We need to do justice to the concept of “doing justice.”
Justice isn’t an action once a year. It’s a lifestyle.
Justice is often passionately invoked by teachers, pastors, and leaders inviting us into some kind of new action, but what about the actions you and I already take every day? The difficult reality to accept is that so many of the seemingly benign decisions presented to us each and every day perpetuate injustice against God’s children and creation.
We must confront the world as it is with the world as it should be.
The work of justice has been cheapened by a culture obsessed with likes, clicks, and retweets. If we are not careful we can lull ourselves into a stupor of faux “righteousness” with every click, retweet, and call-out feeling satisfied as if we’ve done something for the Kingdom, when in fact all we’ve done is shown how clever we are. The work of justice is long-suffering. It is filled with joy as we inevitably crash into God’s grace over and over. It is love in action. It is sacred. It can’t be satisfied simply through our tweets and musings.
Invitation: Live Justly
Live Justly is an in-depth scriptural and practical study to help people live justly in 6 key areas of life:
- Advocacy
- Prayer
- Consumption
- Generosity
- Creation Care
- Relationships