Dr. Beth Birmingham has spent her career in the faith based missional sector both in higher education and consulting and working for faith-based NGOs. As a leadership teacher and learner, she’s spent decades understanding and trying to help organizations with culture and leadership and seeing the barriers that women in particular face when there’s challenges in both those areas. She was a tenured professor at Eastern for 22 years where she was part of the creation and initial leader over the School of Leadership and Development, an NGO consultant for the past 15 years with organizations such as World Vision and Habitat for Humanity, has served in 1 large NGO, and has worked and lived in over 20 countries. She’s been engaged with both the Micah Global Network and Accord Network, serving for many years on the board of Accord and helping create, craft and adopt its Principles of Integral Mission and the Accord Development Research Network. More recently she has served as part of the Wheaton Network Initiative on Gender, Development and Christianity, with a goal to foster conversations about the intersections of nonprofit and development work and gendered realities within a Christian perspective.