Jesus commissioned the Church to join in his mission: to redeem and restore all of creation. Pursuing justice and seeking shalom for all people is a direct response to the command to love our neighbor. At Tearfund, we follow Jesus where the needs are greatest as we work alongside churches and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. As we do, we place emphasis on youth and young adults, mobilizing and engaging them to shape the present and the future.

Our vision is for all people to experience restored relationships that free them from poverty and injustice, enabling them to live transformed lives in healthy communities and reach their God-given potential.

We believe the Global Church is called to play an active role in transforming our world’s most complex issues: global migration, gender inequity, environmental degradation, and racial injustice. We do this by working on the front lines of some of the most urgent needs in the world providing emergency food, shelter and water to refugees facing crisis. We also work in partnership with local churches to respond to pervasive poverty through things like sustainable agriculture and economic development. Tearfund also advocates for justice by addressing local, national and international leaders in order to influence behavior and policies that harm the poorest and most vulnerable.

As your congregation grows in understanding about local and global poverty and injustice, you'll learn how to minister in solidarity with church leaders *(within your own community and) from around the world. As Tearfund USA aims to be a respected relief and development actor and advocacy voice empowering others for effective, faith-based responses to systems perpetuating poverty and injustice, we believe the Church is our key partner.

We have worked with more than 154,000 churches worldwide to envision better futures for their communities and address their neighbors' most pressing needs.

What might God be calling your congregation to?

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