Community Transformation Through the Local Church

In all parts of the world, we see immense God given potential awaiting to be unleashed. And God has a plan for that transformation: His Church.

Pastor Parmenas, from Pala in Chad, was trained as a Church & Community Transformation (CCT) Facilitator by Tearfund. As soon as he returned from the training workshop, he launched the Bible study program among his church members. A revival broke out, and plans for change were drawn up immediately. With attendance at services swelling, land was acquired and funds raised to turn the existing chapel into a full church building. Through the application of God’s Word, the members of the church discovered their physical, material and economic potential and joined together to raise up the new premises.

Through Tearfund’s Church and Community Transformation process (CCT), pastors and churches are trained, envisioned and equipped in practical ways to work with the local community. Bible studies help churches understand the God-given mission to be salt and light to their neighborhoods. It is not about giving handouts, it is about helping churches and communities find their own solutions, with their own resources, to their own problems. Through working in the local community, churches grow in relevance, competence and confidence - building, growing and planting new congregations.

Tearfund USA provides churches with the necessary tools and insights to initiate comprehensive change at every level, beginning with individuals, then families, reaching entire communities. As churches embrace their complete mission and collaborate with the broader community to tackle various challenges, those facing poverty and injustice are genuinely able to encounter the all-encompassing, transformative message of the gospel.

How your support can make a crucial difference to further this work:

  • $50 could train five church leaders on how to be ready for disasters, so they are less vulnerable when they occur.

  • $120 could recruit and train two self-help group leaders.

  • $210 could give 25 vulnerable families in a self-help group access to vital healthcare.








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