Farming God's Way
Aksa is an incredible lady. At 58, she’s responsible for looking after her family, including two of her grandchildren, all on her own. She gets up before sunrise and works until almost midnight, either doing housework or at a farm some distance away.
As Aksa’s husband, Elijah, is now 80 and not in good health, the workload falls on her.
Aksa remembers a time when there was enough food, but now life has become increasingly tough in this part of Tanzania. A lack of rain has led to ongoing, crippling drought and failing harvests. Aksa will often go all day without eating. But she is determined to help her family survive.

thanks to Farming God's Way
Growing understanding
To help families like Aksa’s, we’re supporting an initiative called Farming God’s Way, which introduces people like her to a highly effective form of conservation farming. It’s already helping Aksa make more of her small plot of land. She has also joined a self-help group supported by the project, where members share knowledge and resources, including money to buy crucial drought-resistant seeds.
Aksa told us she would love supporters like you to pray for her life to improve, and for her family to have a better life too.
Please keep Aksa and others like her in your prayers, and praise God for our staff and partners doing all they can to help people like her adapt to the changing climate. Pray that initiatives like Farming God’s Way will continue to bring hope and lasting change where it’s needed most.