Growing Resilience to Fight Hunger in Mozambique

Climate change impacts are causing widespread hunger across Mozambique. One of the most significant challenges brought on by climate change is the increased severity and frequency of cyclones, like Idai in 2019. 

Our friend, Pastor Mateus, encountered shocking news during Cyclone Idai. His daughter, while walking to school, became stranded by rising floodwaters. Thinking fast, she climbed a tree and waited for it to pass. Due to the storm, Mateus lost his cows and his crops were destroyed. 

Two years after the cyclone, much of southern Africa is facing severe droughts, making it harder for people to rebuild their lives. 

The impact of climate change on people's livelihoods cannot be overstated. Half of the 28 million population is still living in poverty. In 2016 Mozambique was 181 (out of 188 nations) on the Human Development Index scale – which measures key indicators in a nation’s development. Against this backdrop, hunger is a daily concern, and growing enough nutritious food is a challenge for most families in Mozambique. 

Since 1987, Tearfund has been working to meet people’s basic needs and help communities to be better prepared for future disasters. One way we do this is by teaching farmers conservation agricultural methods. Analysis shows that our training helps farmers grow 10X more crops than before. Because of this impact, we’re expanding the program in Mozambique in order to help more women farmers, and their communities, become increasingly resilient to the effects of climate change.

“My prayer is for God to bless this land,” says Pastor Mateus.

With your help, we can equip 5 local trainers who will in turn help to teach 1,000 farmers over the course of 3 years. The participating farmers, the majority of which are women, will be trained in conservation agriculture methods and drip irrigation, as well as gain access to the tools and drought-resistant seeds they need to grow more diversified and resilient crops.

For many of these farmers, it’s a huge relief to no longer face hunger, however, to earn a decent wage they need more access to markets. For that reason, this version of the program includes training on how to market and sell excess food. 

With training in conservation agriculture methods, as well as ways to sell the excess crops, farmers in Mozambique will be able to feed their families and generate income, even in the face of a changing climate.

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