No bed for a birth
On the night of Jesus’ birth, Mary found herself heavily pregnant and far from home. A long, tiring journey. When her labor began, she was not in the comfort of her own home. She laid down and gave birth in a place meant for animals. A stable.
Sarah in Nigeria faced a similar hardship.
The unholy night
With Sarah expecting her fourth baby, it should have been a time for preparing the home for the arrival of their new addition, but the family found themselves suddenly homeless.
Armed men came, killing people and causing destruction. They burned down Sarah’s house.
A camp for people who had fled the violence was the only place she and her family could find shelter. Not a place of comfort. Not a home.
The things Tearfund’s partners helped provide – items like a mattress and water purification tablets – were a small piece of hope.
Inspirational faith
“We left the community unharmed,” Sarah says. “God deserves the praise. Since there's life, there's hope.” Sarah places her hope in God, the One who made a way through the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, born in a place of discomfort and displacement.
“We are not safe to return home,” says Sarah. “So we want you to pray and ask the international community to continue to pray for us – that there will be peace in the land.”
You can bring hope to displaced people in practical, yet meaningful ways.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, give hope to someone like Sarah today.
*This story from one of our partners was first published by Tearfund UK