The power of a blessing

How you can use your prayer times to ask God to bless people who are working in challenging situations.

Blessings are a powerful way that we can lift up other people and places in prayer. A blessing simply means to pray for God’s favor and protection. At Tearfund, our teams and partners around the world often work in extremely challenging circumstances. It can be hard to know how to pray for them – but asking God to bless them is a great place to start.

In the Sahel region of West Africa, humanitarian workers face threats of ambushes, carjackings and landmines – explosives on the side of roads – as they travel and work alongside different communities.

In other places, our teams respond to disasters, such as earthquakes and storms. They not only witness the devastation first-hand, which has an emotional toll, but are also often affected themselves by the destruction.

Praying God’s favor and protection over them not only encourages them in their work, but can change their circumstances. Prayer is powerful.


‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.’

Numbers 6: 24-26


Pray with us

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a country where Tearfund is working in and ask God to bless our staff and local partners there. You’re welcome to pray your own prayer, or use the one below written by Paul Ojuman, who leads Tearfund’s work in Uganda.

We ask God to bless you with the blessings of increase and abundance. May you never lack, may you have fruit in abundance and in each season. May God bless the work of your hands, and make everything that you set your hands to do, work for his glory.

We ask God to bless you with the blessing of Abraham. And just like God blessed Abraham in everything, may you be blessed in all the spheres of your life. May you be blessed socially. May you be blessed economically. May you be blessed materially. May you be blessed spiritually.

We pray for peace in your country; that there will be no tension, no disturbance, no conflict and no wars.

In the name of Jesus, may you experience God’s favor and God’s grace. May you experience God’s fullness and God’s fulfillment. May the Lord be your father. May the Lord shield you from every pandemic and from every sickness. May the Lord shield you from every arrow of the enemy. We pray that you will be safe all the days of your life.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


Written by Rachael Adams | Originally published by Tearfund UK on November 05, 2021

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