Less than 1% of the US Federal Budget is designated to Poverty-Focused Development Assistance (PFDA), but it is incredible what that limited budget can accomplish! To provide an understanding of how these funds are used to transform impoverished communities around the world, we’ve compiled this list of stories so you can see how PFDA helps people in need:
STOP TRAFFICKING of Girls, NEPAL: As a little girl, Laxmi dreamed of becoming a doctor, but those dreams were put on hold when her father committed suicide. She was six years old. Without her father to help support the family, Laxmi’s mother would likely have to rely on her to help feed her two siblings, putting Laxmi at risk of being exposed to forced labor and sexual exploitation. USAID’s program works directly with families like Laxmi’s to address this issue, providing education, awareness, and counseling. Laxmi was selected for the program, and eventually was placed as a teacher trainee, showing others how to avoid the trap of human trafficking. Laxmi is thankful that her dream of helping people has come true.
FEED THE FUTURE, TANZANIA: In Tanzania, PFDA helps farmers meet food demands by training them to produce high yields of quality seeds through seed multiplication. Elinesi is one of the farmer’s benefitting from this training. She is an entrepreneur at heart and knows that the more training she receives, the more successful she will be. Elinesi has taken what she’s learned to grow her business, and she is always happy to teach others how to do the same. The program has supported more than 225,000 small-hold farmers, teaching them to be self-sustaining⏤and also ensuring the well-being of the nation.
SMART WATERS PROJECT, CENTRAL ASIA: Across Central Asia, students are coming together to solve their water crisis. For years, division and conflict over water supply have resulted in turmoil between the neighboring nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan. With the Smart Waters Project, this is changing. Students from every country have been brought together to receive training as well as build relationships. The goal: implementing a cooperative system to address the issues that led to the root issues over sharing water. Going forward, the students are confident that this program will continue to unify their counties.
Right now our leaders are preparing next year's budget--advocates representing all types of industries are working to protect federal funding for their interests. But who will speak out for girls at risk of trafficking, like Laxmi, or farmers like Elinisi? Who will speak to protect funding for those without clean water, sanitation, education or access to food?
We think we should speak out.
As Christians, we have a unique role--to speak out for our global brothers and sisters who don’t get to vote in our election, or advocate to our leaders but whose lives are deeply impacted by their decisions.
Take action today, and urge our leaders to protect funding for life-saving aid programs.