World Refugee Day 2020
Every minute, 25 people are forced from their homes and that number is steadily growing. To date, there are nearly 26 million refugees, half of whom are children.
That is 26 million people who have stories of suffering and loss, who have fled from violence and persecution ⏤ only to be met by a new, unseen enemy that threatens further catastrophe.
The unexpected devastation of COVID-19 is a danger to refugees who already face very difficult circumstances. In crowded refugee camps, there is no escaping sickness or hunger. Where social distancing isn’t an option, there is no way to flee the threat of death.
Yet, in the midst of so much fear and uncertainty, our faith leads us to believe that this issue is not insurmountable.
Saturday, June 20th is World Refugee Day, a day that exists to highlight those in our world who have been forcibly displaced. It is an opportunity to pray and give our support.
Our faith leads us to believe that this issue is not insurmountable.
Tearfund is working in refugee camps around the world to provide food aid, hygiene kits, clean water, solar lighting, child-friendly spaces, and safe showers for women. For these communities, facing the panic of a pandemic along with the rest of the world, simple things like information, clean water and soap can be the things that save lives and give people a small piece of practical hope to cling to.
Right now, we are raising support to equip 10,000 refugees in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh with sanitation supplies, gloves, masks, and information about Covid-19 prevention. One Day's Wages is working with us to help make this goal possible ⏤ they have awarded us a grant that will match any donation that comes in.
When you donate $25, it won't help just five families, it will help 10 families gain access to sanitation items like soap and bleaching powder. When you give $75, it won't provide only one hand-washing station for a community in need, it will provide two hand-washing stations.
We are confident that together ⏤ with local churches, and with our partners and supporters ⏤ we can help refugees continue to hope for a better future.