4 Ways to Dig Deeper into the Climate Conversation

For decades, the number of people experiencing hunger globally was steadily declining, until 2014. For the first time this century, the number of people experiencing hunger began to rise ⏤ and it’s increased every year since. 

We know that two things have driven the rise in global hunger: conflict and climate change.  

We also know climate change can be an extremely politicized topic. But for millions around the world who depend on the land for their food, climate change is not a debate or a hoax. We work with thousands of farmers who have experienced devastating losses of crops because of climate change. When they say climate change threatens their survival, we believe them. 

Problems as large or distant as climate change can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. But God invites us to lean into our discomfort and listen to those who are closest to the problem. We’ve put together a list of resources to help you begin to dig into the issue and prayerfully discern your place in caring for God’s creation. 


  • Scripture-guided prayer on creation care: As we seek to mobilize the church on climate change, we know that prayer is an integral part of the process. This quick guide will help you pray through four key areas: God’s creation, caretakers, the human impact, and world leaders. 




Equip farmers with climate-smart agriculture techniques: If you’d like to directly support farmers in areas impacted by climate change, sign up here. Just $10/month provides sustainable agriculture training to 4 farmers, equipping them with the techniques and tools they need to grow healthy crops in a changing environment. We need 250 monthly supporters to reach our goal: to train 1,000 farmers this year in sustainable agriculture techniques. 

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