Responding to disasters, before they strike
People living in the world’s poorest countries are being hit hardest by rising food and energy prices, rapid inflation and increasing debt. An additional 71 million people have been pushed into extreme poverty. A natural disaster can devastate a community living in extreme poverty. But preparation in the face of recurring disasters like famine, drought and even conflict can significantly reduce this devastation and loss. In fact, investments in disaster risk reduction activities have been proven to save $7 in disaster response for every $1 invested.
While many of us are feeling the pressure of rising costs, for the most vulnerable people, it’s life-threatening.
Yet, in the face of so much fear, we can choose to look to God. Because he can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.
We're following Jesus where the need is greatest. By prioritizing building resilience in communities before disasters strike, families and communities are equipped with the skills, resources, and tools they need to withstand disasters and recover quickly.